2024 Garden Denizens Calendar

All prints come with a Certificate of Authenticity and are printed in a limited edition of 25 each.


Fine art photography calendar of one of our favorite garden denizens. High quality prints on heavy stock. Size 11×17 inches. Shipping is $5 within the U.S. All pictures in this calendar are available as prints upon request.


Metal Prints

Aluminum metal prints are printed using specialty dyes that are fused into aluminum panels. This produces the most brilliant, long lasting and sustainable art preservation of the print industry. Metal prints are durable and are easily cleaned with a damp cloth. They come ready to hang with a wire hanger ¾” metal inset. There is no need for matting or framing. The superior fade, moisture, stain and scratch resistant properties of metal prints make it ideal to display both indoors (including in humid areas, i.e. spas, bathrooms, etc.) and outdoors.


Canvas Prints

Fine Art Canvas prints are printed directly onto museum-quality canvas material using high-quality archival inks, wrapped onto a 1 1/2” wood frame and finished with a luster laminate. The canvas is ready to hang with a wire hanger. Given the texture of the canvas, the printed photo will look softer and painterly.