Winter Relief

Sitting here in Michigan where the temp today, with windchill, is -40F, it is a great time to be immersed in the images of summer. We’ve been looking back at our lotus pictures. It is one of our favorite subjects. This lotus picture is framed by images of the pond from which it comes. Now…

A Bevy of Begonias

Begonias are a perennial flowering plant that is native to moist subtropical and tropical climates. Begonias belong to the family Begoniaceae. There are more than 1,800 different plant species. This photo is a pattern derived from the leaves and flowers of a begonias found in our local botanical garden. A great place to visit in…

Hope for Bees

As you probably know the bee population has been on the decline for many years.  Some of the causes for this include pesticide use, loss of forage lands and a virus carried by mites which infest colonies. It is estimated that 40% of beekeepers colonies in the US were decimated in one year.  Paul Stamets,…